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Becoming successfully self-employed

Professionally independent. As a Youngpreneur!

Have you decided to start your own business and become self-employed? We will give you tips on how to optimally manage your Youngpreneur's everyday life and support you before, during and after the founding of your company. Professionally independent as a Youngpreneur. Easy. Online.

What it means to be a Youngpreneur

Definition Youngpreneur

The term Youngpreneur is a neologism and is composed of the two words 'Young' and 'Entrepreneur'. Youngpreneurs are therefore young entrepreneurs who are usually not older than 23 years. The term is also often associated with students who set up their own business. It is a challenge to find the balance between entrepreneurship and studies on the one hand and to run a business without any experience on the other hand.

Advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship as a student

Working in the two roles of an entrepreneur and a student offers many advantages, but also has disadvantages which you need to be aware of. In order to be able to master the challenges, we will gladly support you.


Advantages Youngpreneur
Advantages Youngpreneur
Technology enables location-independent working
Advantages Youngpreneur
Advantages Youngpreneur
Organisation and time management


Financial risk
Advantages and disadvantages Youngpreneur

Why you should become self-employed as a student

Reasons for becoming a Youngpreneur

Youngpreneur Flexibility
In self-employment, you are your own boss and can determine your own working hours. The step into the Youngpreneur-existence allows you a lot of flexibility in the organisation of your everyday life.
Youngpreneur Technologies
Thanks to smartphones, tablets and laptops you can not only use your time efficiently, but also manage it and organise yourself. You can also work from home if you wish.
Youngpreneur Network
As a student you have access to a large network of lecturers, professors, practitioners and fellow students. If you use this network, you have a great advantage over other founders.
Youngpreneur Organisation and time management
With good organisation and time management you can slip into two different roles and gain experience at a very early stage. At the same time you can realise yourself and live your dreams.

Risks associated with being an entrepreneur and a student

Challenges in self-employment as a Youngpreneur

Youngpreneur Work-Life-Balance
If you run your own business, you will have to invest a lot of time, especially in the beginning. There is also the risk that you will sometimes be on the road longer than planned. At the same time, your performance at school should not suffer from this. Therefore, good planning, time management and structure are very important.
Youngpreneur Inexperience
When you start a business as a youngpreneur, you have little experience in the industry and the labour market. You should therefore make sure that you are thoroughly familiar with it in advance and prepare yourself as well as possible.
Youngpreneur financial riskl
Financial risk
Every self-employment is associated with a financial risk. Not every newly founded company will be successful. For example, if you choose a sole proprietorship when choosing the legal form, you have unlimited liability with your private assets.

Find your entrepreneurial identity and motivation

To start a successful start-up, you should be aware of your motivation and identity. Why do you start up? What do you want to achieve? What drives you? In the following we will show you three different entrepreneurial identities. Think about which one you recognise yourself in.


The Darwinist is driven by economic self-interest. He wants his business to grow and make profits. He acts competitively and has financial goals.


The communitarian has a group or community-oriented personality. He wants to create a benefit or value within a community and usually starts with his own problem, which he experiences.


The so-called missionary wants to improve the world to a certain extent. He uses his company to spread his social or ecological concerns.
Entrepreneurial identity and motivation as a Youngpreneur

Learn more about being a Mompreneur now!

A mompreneur is both a mother and an entrepreneur. These two roles bring challenges that should not be underestimated. So find out here and now about being a Mompreneur.

Learn more about being a Dadpreneur now!

A dadpreneur is both a father and an entrepreneur. These two roles bring challenges that should not be underestimated. So find out here and now about being a Dadpreneur.

Learn more about being a Seniorpreneur now!

Seniorpreneurs are entrepreneurs who start a business at the age of 50 plus.  Leanr more about what you need to consider when being a senior preneur and what the challenges are.